Invitation to the Annual Dinner of the Oxford University Society of Belgium 7th December 2023

Dear Oxonian, dear Guest,                                                                

We are delighted to invite you to the annual dinner of the Oxford University Society of Belgium, to be held in Brussels on Thursday evening, 7th December, from 7pm.

We are particularly pleased to host Roland Kupers who will give a short talk between courses on Surfing Complexity.

The evening will begin with a reception in the club’s warm and elegant drawing room before formal dinner, at 8pm, in the club’s dining room. The evening will continue post-dinner with coffee in the drawing room (bar available). For the adventurous, an after-dinner party is foreseen in Place Luxembourg.

There is a choice between two menus: the meat menu and the vegan/vegetarian menu, both accompanied by fine wine and water (both included).

Meat menu

Duo de maigre et st Jacques de Dieppe, crème de chicons caramélisés et girolles

Filet pur de biche de chez nous 

Crémeux de panais, gnocchi de potiron et Céleri rave

Jus corsé de gibier et sauge

Croustillant chocolat, crème de mascarpone au chocolat, pâtissière de pistache


Vegan/vegetarian menu

Rizotte de butternut, choux fleur et brocoli

Origami de légumes provençaux, pesto et fregola sarda

Croustillant chocolat, crème de mascarpone au chocolat, pâtissière de pistache


We very much look forward to welcoming you at this very special evening.

For further details and to register we warmly invite you to send us a message:

Kind regards,

Alison Jane Bell, Hon. Sec. on behalf of the OUSB co-presidents and committee members

  • Benjamin Hartmann
    published this page in News 2023-10-31 22:33:51 +0100
