We cordially invite you (and one friend of yours) to join us for our Mixer "Oxford, Cambridge, and College of Europe".
Our Mixer will take place at our usual venue which is the bar of the Aloft Brussels Schuman hotel, from about 6.30 pm onwards. Doors will remain open throughout the night, so you are welcome to join these informal drinks at any time which you find convenient.
You are very welcome to bring a friend.
The Aloft Brussels has reserved us a space that is easily recognisable upon entering the bar.
The bar is close to Schuman metro station. Address: Place Jean Rey 3, 1040 Brussels.
View a map online: https://goo.gl/maps/QdQ3PzTUKh82
Please sign up for yourself (and for a friend who may accompany you) on our guest list via Doodle. The name of each participant needs to be on our guest list in order to get access to the venue:
All the best,
Benjamin Hartmann
Becoming a full member of the Oxford University Society of Belgium has become fast and easy: all Oxonians can do so online by now. To cover our costs, we ask only for a modest annual membership contribution of €10. In return, you become part of our network of alumni and receive invitations for upcoming events of the Oxford University Society of Belgium, as well as our sister Cambridge University society. If you are an Oxonian, join today at: https://oxfordsociety.nationbuilder.com/join.
Oxford, Cambridge, and College of Europe "Mixer"
April 24, 2017 at 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Benjamin Hartmann